Saturday, December 20, 2014

Doctors, Vanilla Milkshake. COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS Post 5.

Today was a rather slow day.

I had a doctors appointment to go to in the morning, which went really well.  I don't really want to get to personal on that topic so just know everything's okay. If you follow me from my tumblr health blog, you sort of already know my health history.

After, I went to McDonalds (horrible for my stomach I know.) and  Bought a Vanilla Milkshake. While I was drinking it, I loved it but not 30 minutes later I felt the pain! I know better than to drink stuff like that, but hey I was feeling a bit depressed so desperate times call for desperate measures.

 Other than that everything's pretty chill.  I'm thinking about making a hair product haul I'm not sure. I already took the pictures for it but I don't know when it will be on. I'll try to post it before Christmas.

 I have a new  poll up about cosmetics so if you want, you can check that out.

My apologies for not getting this post up in time .

Talk you you all tomorrow!!!
 Bye :)

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