Hey Lovelies!
It's K from Tumblr. This blog is just an extention to my blog on on tumblr -http://happinessisadancefloor.tumblr.com/
Basically the same post from tumblr will be on this blog for those who don't have a tumblr. However, the comments will be closed on this blog. My blogs are a place for people to be encouraged and feel good about themselves, and I don't want some horrible meanie saying things to people (or me.) to crush thier spirits or sadden them. NOPE NOT HERE. SO BE NICE OR DON'T FOLLOW AT ALL!
I will definitely have things that make me happy on here(i.e clothes, make-up, hair product etc..) but I will not go away from the purpose of this blog. TO MAKE YOU HAPPY ^_^
Hope you guys have a great rest of the summer,