Saturday, December 6, 2014


 For two years of my Adult life I've always felt like the ugly one.  Even though I would hear " You're so pretty." or " You're Beautiful." from people ( and not just my family.) I still feel gross in my own skin. I mean sure there are things  I like about me, I'm a writer, I'm pretty good at acting, and I can make pretty awesome food. But I don't like me as a whole.

 The crazy thing about it is that there's a guy in my life now that I actually want to date.  (So Tall and Handsome as hell! -Taylor Swift)  Yet whenever he looks at me I become so self-conscious.  I really like him, but I'm not sure if I like myself enough be in a relationship with him.  Why? Because I will most likely always be looking to him for validation.Always looking for him to say I'm sexy or I'm pretty, and that's how  a co-dependent relationship happens.

So one day I was sitting in my room watching youtube and I came across this video by Ana Akana named ""Am I Sexy?" and basically she said everything that was going on in my head.  She gave herself a year and half to find what makes her sexy to her.

That inspired me find out what makes me feel sexy to myself. So starting in January I will give myself six months to feeling sexy. whether that means working out three days out of a week, or wearing sexy underwear, or taking dance classes (again just for fun.) I'm doing it! and hopefully by that time I will feel  much better about myself. and who knows maybe I'll write a book about it in journal form. (wink wink.) we shall see....... To follow me in my "journey to sexiness " follow me on google plus and this blog.

 To watch the video click below.

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